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Old 11-22-2002, 03:09 PM   #65
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anyone who's still left up in the air about the g-tech read this

Also if you go to the site for gtech you'll see that they did indeed improve the newer one to include 3 accelerometers just like i said they should.

and for 4jacks

first line
Connecticut inspects a very low proportion of trucks compared to other states. This is consistent with the perception that truck weigh stations are too often closed.

2nd paragraph
Although Connecticut processes an average number of truck applications that generate on the order of $24 million in revenue annually, the number of trucks weighed, cleared, and inspected each year is surprisingly low. For example, while Connecticut weighs only 200,000 trucks a year, Colorado and Florida each weigh 5 million. And while Connecticut inspects 17,000 trucks annually, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, and New Jersey all inspect by a factor of four more. Table 3 presents data on the state regulatory approach to trucks in Connecticut, as compared to a more representative state such as Florida. Low inspection figures can at least partially be explained by the limited amount of time that the inspection stations were open and the minimal funding assigned to their operation.

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