Thread: Help!!!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2002, 02:37 PM   #1
Posts: n/a

Ok, I really like this chic in my school.
Don't know anything about her. But I see her in the halls all the time! That girl is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The last couple of times I even managed to make eye contact while passing bye, so I know she noticed me. I finally am getting some balls to ask her out on monday, and that's not going to be easy for me (I never had one go succefuly, + I never dated before!). So it's like going to war for me, I only hear about it, but never been there before!

But my dilema is that how do I ask her out. I know the oldie but goldie line "Would you like to see a movie sometime?"
but the problem is I'm flat broke, and my parents aren't exactly in the best financial situation either (new house + new car + getting grandparents over here + many other things). So I can't afford to pay for her let alone myself. Movies cost from 8.50-13.50 here alone. There will be food I'm guessing also. So how the hell do I ask her out so I don't make myself look like bum and spend little money. I mean I can get some cash, maybe 10-20 at max if I borrow from someone (I'm starting my summer job at a local theme park in 2 weeks again so I can pay back then). My house ain't an option to rent a movie since my parents will be here, I can't kick em out, and I don't want to bring a girl on my first date to my house to meet my parents. My dad'll be cool and quite, my mom will be trying to be cool and asking all these stupid questions which will embarasse me. Plus how will I look bringing a girl on a first date to my house. Oh boy I'm f@cked....any suggestions.

Oh and another thing. Since I dont' know anything about her, not even her name, how should I even start the conversation off. Please help!
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