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Old 06-01-2003, 02:00 AM   #164
Posts: n/a
*ignores all that tarded drama*

Hmm, well I think some girls are always gonna be built smaller and might really be able to handle big ones. But you can stay super tight by doing special exercises that do work ladies. Some of yall need to give them a try, heh. Like my good friend says 'it was almost like throwin a hot dog down a friction', EW!

I dunno I guess you'd know what a good size is when you saw it, touched it, put it in, and worked yo junk on it! If it didn't feel right, well then there you go. But just because you have never seen a penis before and then you have sex doesn't mean the girl will be all like yeh this is the PERFECT dick for her all because she has never seen one before.

But yeah, after you are with someone for a while you kinda get used to their body and you fit perfectly with each other. But maybe that's just me. I feel sorry for lil dicks cuz they are cute (unless they are childlike small, ew!!) but you can't tell a guy his dick is cute because he will already be all sensitiff due to the size. *pet* hehe

An a-spot orgasm? What in the heeeeell is that
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