Thread: vtec light
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Old 01-25-2003, 01:19 PM   #41
Posts: n/a
Okay. Im gonna make this really simple to understand. When I hooked this up. I didn't use the little how to's every1 posts everywhere. Instead common sense was used so that it could not be hooked up wrong. It's called when ur vtec solenoid is activated it reads 12V across the solenoid. As opposed to not being activated and reads practically nothing. Now his light is hooked up in parrallel with the Vtec solenoid. So when the solenoid reads 12v. (VTEC active) it makes the light go on.

So in closing to all the whining and opinions being thrown around. I'll just leave it at that.

By the way. This is the guy who hooked up Binner's Light.
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