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Old 11-22-2002, 01:22 PM   #35
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by nonovurbizniz
Listen I have nothing against age differences...

AS LONG AS THE BOTTOM IS 18 (16 in mass.)

If it's illegal don't friggin do it. even when I lived in mass. I would NEVER even consider dating a 16 year old unless she was the most emotionally ****ed up scared disgruntled girl that ever was.

If your attracted to young girls it's probobly because of their innocence. If that's the case there are plenty of Older innocent girls that you can go and **** up leave little girls alone.

goddam pervs

I have known plenty of 16-18 year old girls who are more mature than some 21-35 year old ones I've known. Not only were they more mature, some of them were far more experienced and less innocent than some of the older girls.

Philosophically speaking, what's so bad about a 19 year old and a 16 year old being together? Really, what's so wrong with it? Nobody seems to mind a 30 year old with a 24 year old, or 25 with 21, so why not 19 with 16? We have some arbitrary age of 18 where people are legally considered adults, but that is just arbitrary. There is no universal fixed age where anyone above is an adult and anybody below is an adolescent. In the social framework of our society there is a stigma of "adults" dating "adolescents" however it is not on a case-by-case basis, it is merely applied by age.

Arguments such as "it's just wrong", or "it's immoral", or "you're a perv if you like young girls" are often based upon standards set by another without any thought by the individual as to there credibility or opinions about people you don't even know. Just because a social stigma exists doesn't mean we must all follow it.

All personal issues aside the only universally applicable reason I can see why people of varying ages shouldn't date is what I like to call the "hassle factor", also known as the "convenience factor." Life is just easier when you're both above the age to drink. or to go to clubs, or to go to pool halls, etc.

Why is it illegal to sell liquor on a Sunday (in some places)? No good reason I can think of other than some assortment of the following letters: dog.

Why is a guy a stud and a girl a whore when they both sleep with lots of members of the opposite sex? Social stigma based upon nothing more than a double standard opinion.

Why can a girl wear guys clothes and a guy not wear girls clothes? Social stigma based upon nothing more than a double standard opinion.

Why can women have babies and guys can't? Biology.

So why can't a 19 year old guy date a 16 year old girl without being called a perv or insulted in some other way?


NOTE: I'm not advocating guys chase after young girls, I'm especially not advocating getting tied up with the law, I just think the law and many people's opinions in this case (as many others) aren't based upon any good solid evidence or reason other than perception and opinion.
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