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Old 06-13-2002, 01:15 PM   #1
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Killed a 02 Maxima!

Oh ya! Making a long story short. I am on the freeway...minding my own business. I get this white dude with his GF in the passenger seat come up on my right and motions he wants to race. He was being so cocky that I had to, if the freeway had been busy, I would have turned the race down, but lucky me it was late and pretty empty. So we hit it...he gains pretty good, but then UHH OHH! I am gaining on him QUICK! My bumper was at his front passenger door, gaining inch my inch. This boy was getting nervous. He kept looking over his shoulder to see how much closer I was getting...finally, Zoom! I pass him up! I couldnt believe it! After passing 4 other cars I fingured it was over...I won! So I slowed down, waited for him and had a HUGE grin on my face! Sucker! I embarrased him AND in front of his woman! Anyway, I was in such a good mood after that...AND on top of that...THE LAKERS WON! THREE-PEAT! Thought I would share my story. Lataz.