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Old 06-11-2003, 04:26 AM   #27
Posts: n/a
hooo boy....ah well, looks like i can't win this argument, you guys just seem to know so much about my car that you havent even seen much less driven. I don't see how an extra 12 HP is gonna make any difference with different gear ratios... but yeah, anyway. Oh, and I think it may be worth mentioning that I can blow my sister off by like a car length (approx. with 2 other people in my car as well) and she has a VLX. The only difference between her car and mine is all the fancy electronic stuff she gets, as well as the fascia and the stock "performance" muffler that my car has. This could all have something to do with a little thing called skill and not by numbers and calculations...just a guess...and no, I'm talking about the 200 HP 5.0L LX's or whatever the crap they are, it has dual pipes and 5.0L written on the side so it's a 5.0L no question about it. I've never once said that I can BEAT one though, only that I've kept up to one until about 90 KPH then I slowed down cause I really don't feel like getting my license suspended for dangerous driving or another stupid ticket like that. And second of all, here is a site that lists stock numbers for a 1985 Monte Carlo SS
and another
THIS is the vehicle I'm talking about...180 HP is a long shot from 300 and whatever was mentioned before, and seeing as how this is a heavy, heavy STEEL car then it is NOT unlikely that I can take one of these things... but since my car is apparently so slow, I probably couldn't even take a Ford Tempo or something similarily shitty like that...(note heavy sarcasm in voice)
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