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Old 11-01-2001, 10:35 PM   #7
Banning Machine
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: My Garage, Va.
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some freaky shiet you guys experienced! here's one of mine:

i used to have an older friend when i was a boy. well, we both always talked about what would it be on my 8th birthday. we both agreed to have a small party for just our group of friends. it was a very exciting moment for both of us. then my 8th birthday came. it was great, however he was not physically present on the party. telephone back then is not a common thing where i lived at, so there was no message why he was not present. the party went awesome even without him. my brother started taking a lot of pictures. the next day after my birthday, i found out that my friend died in a vehicle accident.::. it was terrible!

this is the freakiest shiet. my mom received the prints for the pictures.....there were images of a human figure all over it. it was shaped like a person but only showed up white, kind of smoky cloud all over my house. we did not grill or anything like that since it was raining that day. on one of the pictures, i was by myself, a floating white smoky human figure was flying over me. WITH an arm and fingers trying to reach my head.........

up until now, i still ge goose bumps when i talk about this incident. my mom still has the pictures BUT she's in the philippines, otherwise, i would have posted it.......

.........ok let's keep this going!

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