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Old 04-03-2002, 10:08 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
My policy: try not to bring significant others into your group of friends because when it inevitable ends, your gonna have to still see that person.
Cut all communication off.......if you have to just tell them f**k off then do it. You don't need that person as a friend, at least until you are both truely over it, which usually takes years or at least many many months.
When a guy says he still loves you or anything of that type after he's been a jerk to you, he's really saying, "I thought after we broke up I'd be pimpin' it and I didn't need you anymore but things didn't work that way and I'm lonely and I need to get laid."

I avoid any possibilities of even a chance encounter, which includes not going to places I know this person usually goes to, etc.......
I know some of those things are a bit extreme but I've found that it works because I've never had to deal with any post relationship BS from the person, and on the few occasions that they do try to talk to me I speak to them as if I am an abominable asshole and they are less than dirt so that they get the message quick and easy.
If I'm the person to end it, then I am nice, but if they screwed me over in some way, there is no reason to try to be nice: if a stranger did something really bad to you, you wouldn't try to be nice in return, at the very least you'd do what you can to avoid that person again.
Ok, sorry this got long, I don't blame you if you got bored and skipped most of what I just typed....
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