Thread: Seriously...
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Old 04-21-2003, 11:09 AM   #31
oc civic
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Originally posted by VR4_Craver
ok lets look at it this way.

2001 Toyota Highlander ratails at 23,330
lets say that a oh an 2002 Civic SI retails at 19,460

thats 3870 that i would have to toy with. lets see...
75 shot of nitrous. -500
3370 i could use the rest on turbo and just then be reachinm what you paid for your your car. Are you starting to catch on yet? I didnt even take into account the mods you have done. so must this go on?

HA nice.. thats SO true... or lets do it with a 92-95 hatch with a blown motor.. lol as the platform car.. wonder what it looks like after 20 THOUSAND dumped into it..

or wait lets do the oh, but its a truck argument im sure there are cheaper nicer trucks out there (in PEOPLES opinion) that you could dump the extra money into nice rims or whatever teh hell you buy for trucks.. lol some fog lights eh? lol HHHHHAAAA