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Old 03-22-2003, 11:29 AM   #185
oc civic
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Originally posted by nonovurbizniz
Ya following the fical public opinion is WAY better than doing what you believe....

In the mid 90's Clinton launched a cruise missle attack on a guy by the name of Osama bin Laden.... the first missle missed and hit an embacy or something like that...

The PUBLIC freaked out... "why are you firing missles at caves"... "that guy isn't REALLY a threat"....

Well guess what... if clinton had stuck to his guns like a GOOD president should... we would have NEVER KNOWN 9-11... <-- and if we killed everyone in germany we would have never had hitler.. your point is????

It is OUR responsability to elect the best person for the job. <--- well thats the problem.. we DON'T elect him

After that I'm sorry but your wrong the public has NO say whatsoever in the running of the country till 4 years later... that's why president's only are in office for 4 years... so if the public diagrees with him they can elect someone else...<-- NEWS FLASH.. we DON'T elect the president

If you think that the right to bare arms has ANYTHING to do with overtaking our OWN gov. your dumb.... sorry but that's the way it is.<-- site an example.. the right to bare arms garuntees us that the country will not turn into where the founders came from.. and that is a fact

Your only control over your gov. on a realtime basis is through your congress. Senators and Representitives HAVE to listen to there voting public.. they in turn impose those beliefs through law making and passing or not passing laws/bills.<-- they just lie to passify us like every other politician

If you tried to start an armed revolution against the president or his admistration or the Gov. in general YOU WOULD BE KILLED BY THE ARMY SO FAST YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TIME TO SAY JUST KIDDING.<--- and thats a shame..

Armed revolution IS NOT any part of the reason we have the right ot bare arms. Revolution from FORIEGN governments was. England was not our gov. that was our arguement.<-- you are wrong...

And the reason militia's and the right to bare arms were started was because the ENGLISH army was on there way here to kick our ass' into line.<-- you are STILL wrong...

And just so you know... a president acting in whatever fassion is not a monarchy... He still needs congress' approval and givin enough public outcry he could be impeached and deposed (if there is an impeachable crime).<-- i never said he was.. i IMPLYED that it is a fail safe against an all TOO powerfull gov.

People who don't understand what's going on love to sit there on there pedistal of piety while people suffer under saddam because of OUR inaction...<-- once again i BELIEVE he SHOULD be gone.. BUT i believe it is NOT our place...

And as far as this being a war for oil... PLEASE... If all of a sudden america was taking all of iraqs oil (or even some of it) without paying out the nose EVERYONE WOULD KNOW INSTANTLY.... It just wouldn't be stood for.... that's pure ignorance...<--i never said the word oil ever...

My sister is a BIGTIME protestor... she goes all around the world protesting this and that... the problem is when I ask her (or any other person) to explain her problems with whatever she's protesting she yammers off all the typical bullcrap then you ask her what she or any of the groups she belongs to thinks should be done instead... they have NO ideas... <-- im not a protestor.. i believe in JUST war.. in fact i participate in simulated war every weekend.. im not against guns.. im not against JUST violence.. im against us medeling in things without interneational approval...

I say sh*t or get of the pot if your intension is just to STOP things and not offer an alternative then shut up.

I'd go so far as to say 90% of the people who disagree with this war have NO understanding about what it's REALLY about and are just bandwagoneer's. <--- nor do you.. you have no reason to justify the bloodshed of american troops...

****And lastly.. did you read what i wrote.. we were a KEY contributer to who the "moster" saddam is.. he is our fault so MAYBE you guys are right.. maybe it is our job to clean it up.. since it is our fault hes there.. ****
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