Thread: gone/weed
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Old 10-06-2002, 01:17 AM   #79
Posts: n/a
melteye: thank you very much for bringing the facts to the table. i am also starting research on pot and have found the same info that you had given. before i started research, i was just like everyone else, i "knew" that marijauna was bad because i listened to the hype. but now, im outraged that people are being manipulated into thinking it is dangerous. i encourage any of you reading to do some research on how many people have suffered because of smoking marijauna as compared to how many people have suffered because of the illegality of the drug. i think you'll find the numbers outrageous. look at all who have been affected. not just the people in jail but think of how much more crime gets started because of the sale of drugs. think gang activity. also think about farmers who have all of their crops destroyed by the fbi or fbi backed organizations (think outside of us (or even kentucky farmers)). what do they do when their whole livelyhood is taken away from them? they cant make money selling other crops, many then turn to guerilla warfare as a means to make money in another illegal, but more deadly way. there are so many things that rest upon this whole issue, just do some research. peace
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