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Old 11-16-2002, 12:01 AM   #17
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watch american beauty and ask this question again.

If you don't know 15 yr old girls who flirt or dress sexy are doing so because they think that's what they're supposed to do. they don't have any idea what you have in mind for them. and ya they may want to find out and may enjoy it once they do. BUT...
If you take advantage of that then your a perv. period. That's just F***ing dirty dude. ya they're cute and look all sweet and innocent. so why do you want to go and f**k all that up. once you've had your fun with her and the relationship breaks up she's just going to be one of those imbittered girls who got taken advantage of by some pervert A**hole cuz he thought she was pretty.

I dated an 18 year old for a short while when I was 22 she was a virgin and had never really even kissed a guy before. She was 18 and I felt like a pervert. and even when I explained to her that I was not going to be her boyfriend it doesn't change what's going on in her head. sure I explained myself but you can't play buyer beware when it comes to peoples sanity/ virginity/ innocence/ mental stability. Some things simply come with time. and unless she got screwed by some dirtier pervert than you before she got old enough for you to get interested then she's probobly not ready for the kind of relationship you want.

Everyone should have crappy sex for the first time with someone else who sucks just as bad as them. and has just as little clue of what's going on.

why are you all so weak. dude's asking about having illegal sex with a little girl and it takes the second page of replies before someone actually says something logical.

Mt. Biker It's fine to be visually/sexually attracted to younger girls. they're cute. HOWEVER. if you ever actually find yourself engaged in a flirtatious conversation with one You might want to think about why your scared of women who know what your after and know how to deal with guys.
I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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