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Old 11-14-2002, 02:39 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Lovesick....or sumthinerother (LONG)

I'm brand new to the board, but this is one of THE most sensible import forums out there, so I figured I'd join the family.

Ok....I REALLY think I'm in love with a girl because I can't get her out of my mind and every time we talk and hang out, I get lost in her...EVERYTHING. There is a catch, of course....which is why I'm aking for any , repeat, ANY advice on what the hell to do.

It all started freshman year at CBU(Christian Brothers University)I was on the cross country team and we'd have warm-ups the same time as the women's basketball team would begin practice. I was taken away by one certain player(she was a freshman also)..and to make a long span of time short, I would MAKE myself get to the gym early enough to shoot around while the girls were warming up....for two months straight, all while making sure this certain girl would see me dunking(I'm 5'11" jumping is one of my strong athletic attributes) I would ask her how she's doing...I did the same to all the players...just with her....I REALLY wanted to know how she was doing. UUUGGGHHHH, this feels so stupid. Anyways, I'd started to hang around after X/C practice to watch the rest of her b-ball practice. We started talking,you know...what profs do you have, how's classes, how do you feel in practice. Just trying to get to know her. I'd walk her to her dorm room, and that was it...see ya tommorrow...and I was cool with that because I just wanted her to know I existed. I started falling so hard for this girl, I showed up on Sundays to shoot around in the gym casually just 30 min before thier practice. She even showed up to give support at a couple of my races. Everyone else on the team saw it and she saw, and she was always open and talked about everything. She gave me the schedule for all thier games and told me to be there. So, you darn right....I made every home game and a few away games. She greeted me with a smile and a hug every time I saw her, so I was thinking she was starting to like me also. The at one game mid-season, I was sitting in the bleachers and saw her kissing her b/f....the big deal was that I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I felt like crap and left the game, and didn't attend another for a few weeks. I was still thinking of her, but when I'd see her, I'd barely acknowledge her...I know, I know..JEALOUSY. I remembered her birthday was coming up, and did something so out there....I can't explain it. I spent $150 for a pair of shoes for her b-day. She was SHOCKED to say the least and couldn't believe I did that, because her b/f was constantly questioning her about who got them for her. Well, summer came and I didn't go back to college. I started working at a car stereo shop as an installer and didn't see her for a year. ALL that time I thought about only her. I'd had one g/f for 6 months of that year, and all I could think about was the girl back at college. I'm still out of school, but I started going back to the gym just to keep in shape, and keep the springs working. About 2 weeks ago I'm leaving the gym at 10pm and a van pulls into the parking lot. A group gets out of the vn and I get BUTTERFLIES. One girl keeps walking but looks back at me several times to get a tab and she says "Christian??" In my head I was like, oh god its her" I walk up to her and the feelings hit harder than ever. I can't take my eyes off of her eyes and we walk to her room, talking about what's gone on with her season from the previous year and everything...getting reaquainted. We get back outside and she drives me around to my car. We exchange numbers and I get her practice schedule. I'm now in limbo, because I've been to a few practices to watch, and after she'll sit and talk for a bit and then her b/f picks her up outside. I'm so up in the air, because my personality and morals won't let me try to brake them up, but its killing me because she looks at me the EXACT same way she looks at him, and I can't stand it.

What the hell do I do??? Keep in contact and stay friends, or forget about her and wait for someone else???

I don't want to make a mistake inthinking she will leave him eventually and I just have to wait it out, because I get the"you're the type I'd want in a guy" thing alot...but, I truly care about her, so I don't want to start something if I don't feel any connection because of the fact I'm thinking of another when I'm with you. Guys/Girls...PLEASE help me out here

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