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Old 11-13-2002, 06:14 PM   #42
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Originally posted by mt.biker
well for starters that never happens it always lands that the mother gets the kids. Some women should have their tubs tied because theyare horrible mothers. But in GENERAL women are known to be better care givers then men.

As for the double standards about sleeping around, im not sure why that started or even where it started. And I rarely have called a girl a slut, I can remember only two times in my life where I have meet a real slut the rest just wished they were.

My question to you is, how do you know women in the work force wasn't a backwards step for society? Devorce rates have never been higher, women no cheat on men more then men cheat on women. Seems to me its a bad thing. No one said you had to sit around all day... where did you get that idea?

It doesn't always happen that the mothers get the children. I agree that there are some horrible mothers out there and shouldn't be having children.

Who is to say that the reason that divorce rates increased so much cuz women are now in the workforce? I would tend to believe that the reason why divorce rates are so high is because someone in the relationship is unfaithful, or because they got married too young and before they were ready to, or because one of the persons wasn't getting what they thought they should out of the relationship. I know that people vow to spend the rest of their lives with the person they marry...and I believe that vow shouldn't be broken. BUT I look at 2 very important women in my life when it comes to marriage/ mom and my grandma. My grandma has been married to my a-hole grandfather for like 50 yrs almost. I'm pretty sure he beat her when they were younger and my mom was a kid. He pisses away all his money towards old bicycles and coins and new cars that he only keeps for like 1 yr. Because of him pissing away all his money, my grandma has to pay for everything that goes on in the house they live in. She supports him. She always said that she wouldn't get a divorce before because of the kids. She didn't want her kids to come from a "broken" home I guess. So, she's still married to him and COMPLETELY MISERABLE!!! Why would anyone want to spend their remaining years (or any of their years) that miserable??? I think I'd rather be shot in the head!

Now my mom on the other hand is now remarried to my step dad. Her and my biological sperm donor got a divorce after she found out that he had cheated on her. My parents were very young (18-19) when they got married. It amazes me that their marriage lasted 10 yrs like it did. I'm sure that wasn't the first time my dad cheated on my mom, but that was sorta the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

I look at these women and I use them to guide my life. I don't want to end up miserable married to some shithead like my grandma...nor do i want to rush into a marriage just to have it end like my mom did.

I don't think the entry of women into the workforce is the cause of divorce or the cause of more women to cheat. Why do men cheat? Cuz they aren't getting what they need from the relationship they expect it from. Women cheat for the same reason.

As for the sitting around all day...I guess it was an assumption of mine after reading your paragraphy "people dont know their roles. girls seem to want to go out and work when their kids are growing up and the husband stay at home. everyone knows that bs because women are better care givers then men. " Specifically the "husband stay at home" part.
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