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Old 11-09-2002, 11:28 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
raced a p-lude...

well about a week ago i was leaving my friends grandmothers house (had to play some GTAVC b4 work ).. and i was pulling up to a stop light waiting for the light to change so i could take a left turn, and there was this green prelude (im thinking it was a 96 model.. wasn't the latest model prelude... the model b4 that). From what i could tell when i first saw it, it was completely stock. Even had a nice little dent on the driver side door. Well finnaly the light changes and we turn.. at first i had no intentions of even racing anyone i was just on my way to work.. hadn't even paid that much attention to the prelude really. Then after we had turned i was coming up on him just doing the speed limit and all then right as my front bumper got to his rear he kicks it (found out he had an intake then hehe). So im sittin here thinkin "all great here we go..". Then so after thinking about it for a sec if was gonna go race him or not i threw it down to 3rd and hit it (i wasnt sure if i would win against him or not :\.. for those that don't know anything bout my car.. its a black 94 Civic DX coupe.. 17" motegi mr7s & Ractive intake.. nothing much at all really). Anyways back to the story.. when i threw it down into third he was already about a car length and a half ahead of me. Once i caught up to him (he had slowed down at this point waiting on me).. and the front of his car was beside my door he kicks it again. I ran 3rd almost all the way out and bout the time i switched it into 4th the front of his car was at my bumper. We were also racing on a pretty sharp curve at the first part of the race.. and he had stock wheels so he probably wasn't sticking as good as i was on the curb i dunno, we were doing 75 on a turn that is meant for 45. So anyways when i shifted to 4th i noticed he gained a little on me but i kept looking at him too (hard to do when your going like 85 at the same time heh) see if i was pulling away more or not and i noticed i was pulling away from him very slowly. So then we were having to slow down b/c of a stop light and i threw on the 4 ways (couldn't resist). He pulled over in the far turning lane and i looked over at him when he went by but he didn't look at me lol.. he had a pretty pissed off look on his face too lol. Oh yeah he had some yellow seatbelt pads too yo (10+hp). Needless to say i thought it was a pretty good race.. i really didn't expect to win that one. I didn't really get a good chance to look b/c i didn't pay attention at first and i was in front most of the time , but im pretty sure it was just a stock 2.0 lt. prelude.

Even though i thought it was pretty impressive for my little 1.5 lt.. i think most of it came down to driving skill. I'll be much more happier though when i get my engine swap
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