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Old 11-07-2002, 08:42 AM   #24
Posts: n/a
I use to change for a guy if he wanted me to, but that was back in the days when I didn't know who I was.....and was scared to be alone. I use to do it to my boyfriends too.....try to change things...
My x use to smoke alot of weed....I mean ALOT...I didn't like it and I always nagged at him for it....but he told me that he would never stop and that if it came down to it he would leave me. That made me think....then I really took a look at myself....I knew that he was like that when I met him, so eventually I let it go.

If smoking, drinking, or whatever makes someone happy, why would anyone want to take that away from a person and try to change them?? Unless it is comming to a point where it is harming them or yourself...right?

So, all in all....I will never ever try to change anyone ever again, and I'd never change myself for a man either (unless within reason)

If you don't like something about a person in the first place, why would you get in a relationship with them only to try and change them?
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