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Old 11-05-2002, 10:59 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
CL items for sale!!

Alright guys, I dumped a bunch of money into this 1999 3.0CL 3 weeks ago, and it's just not me. My nack for impulse buying bought me a weeks worth of this is cool, and now I am too paranoid about damage, theft, etc. So here is what I have:

These prices are pretty firm considering all of it's only 3 weeks old, and the prices are well below anywhere else you could get them. I realize this is a loss of money to me, but oh well. We are moving and I have to do what I have to do.

I am flexable on payment options. I prefer money order, and I can give you as much info about me as you need to be comfortable in the transaction. You can find out about me on my website