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Old 10-27-2002, 12:50 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Me vs Millenia S

this was a little interestin. At a red light, this guy in the millenia in the right lane gives me the look. i let him pass me as there were parked cars in his lane, the nice thing to do. anyways this guy is drivin kinda slow, and im on my way home so i decide to make a right turn onto a different street, i signal in advance, and i guees the guy was lookin in his rear view mirror and decides to turn right too. Again he's drivin slow, so i begin to tailgate a little. this was a two lane in each direction road with parked cars bloackin the right lane. Anyways i see an openin where there arent parked cars so i floor it turn into that right lane... anyways he sees this and and floors it too... anyways ive gone from 45 to 100km/h and now im about a carlength ahead... just enough as i was quickly approachin parked cars in that right lane... so i turn back into the left lane.. and slow down... so does he.. i was now about 5 car lengths ahead of him.. and doing 50.. i turn on the four ways to show him that he's been killed.. this pissed him off so much that he decides to gun it and go around me .. in the oncoming traffic lane... kinda really stupid and dangerous as he passed sumone who was in front of me and about to turn left.. good thing the the person in the van saw this guy and didnt get side swiped.. this was really stupid.. i lost all respect for my oppenent...
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