Thread: Serendipity
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:36 PM   #16
Stefan's A Sheep Fucker
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Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
I was never able to understand why being married was so important (no offense Mt. Biker). All it is basically is a piece of paper and some jewlery.
I feel the same way..D, either you need to move to MS or I need to move to PA
Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
Does saying you're married make you feel any differently about your spouse? (maybe one of our married or previously married-Rob or Racing Rice-could help me out on this one).
Not really...actually things change when you get married...for the least that's what happened with me. All the kissy huggy shit that happens when you're dating seems to somehow disappear and get replaced with arguments. Now, I'm saying that this happens to everyone but like bx was saying, alot of people rush into marriage for the wrong reasons. I think with alot of people, once you slide that ring on your finger a sense of "ownership" takes over and that's when problems start. Not speaking from personal experience just from what I've seen with friends of mine that are married......

Now, with me...I'll give you a brief explanation of my situation. I started dating my wife in Technical School. For all you non-military types, this is the school that you go to after basic training (or boot camp) to learn your job. We dated for 6 months and everything was great. We had alot in common, enjoyed spending time together, and almost never fought. Then it was getting close to me graduating and going to my first base. Well, we loved what we had so much that we didn't want to lose it. Being that I was supposed to be going to New Mexico and she had orders to Mississippi, we decided to just get married so that we could be together. BIG MISTAKE!!!! In 6 months, I don't care what ANYBODY tells you, you cannot, I repeat cannot get to know someone enough to know what type of person they are. When you date someone, you tend to hide your flaws from them. At least most do. Well, after we got married, her "true self" came out. Seemed that she was a very promiscuous person before I met her and after we got married, she didn't think that she had to change. I can continue but this is getting long enough already....

Originally posted by IALuder
thats why i use a sock.

Originally posted by MissJDM
Darin, please confirm that you don't like the cock! Babysitter's Club Member #7
Anna Fan Club Member #1
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