Thread: gone/weed
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Old 10-07-2002, 10:58 AM   #85
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vaporizorers don't even ignite the vegetable matter they play off the fact that thc vaporizes at a lower temperature than the vegetable matter. this off course yields almost no tar. the tar which is what is in much higher concentrations in marijuana as compared to tobacco is why by volume marijuana is "worse" than tobacco. 1 joint has as much tar as 20 cigarettes.

however tobacco contains hundreds of man-made and naturally occuring toxins and chemicals.

and as far as bongs are concerned you both make the smoke more dense and increase the amount of smoke that would enter your lungs. so it's defenatly NOT the ideal method of dosage.

as 2ndgenlude said eating marijuanna has NO effects on the lungs. other risks have not been scientificll evaluated.

also 30 years of research doesn't guarantee QUALITY research
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