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Old 10-28-2001, 12:04 PM   #42
Big James
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Dezoris

When I mention the suspension, it is a known and tested fact that at the limit handling suffers from the new setup, on first test sure it feels sturdy and solid., that is what they wanted, and they have succeeded, in it, but you are proving the point no one cares about double wishbone nor the other performance aspects of the older vehicle, proving that consumers namely the average 30 year old female just wants space, and comfort, and "Oh it feels good" You can get this in the new protege, or focus, and they actually do it better than the new civic.

You can't mod the new Civics suspension like the previous gen, without great difficulty.

You cannot swap out the motor, or beef it up any. (N/A, F/I)
It is just another Compact car, and has deviated from what made the the previous Civic what it was. It no longer stands out. That is the point.

As far as BDCs tactics, I can see it made you respond whether in anger or whatever it made you thing, that is the point.

I do not need such tactics to think. I do that just fine on my own without the insults. If he wants to make people think, and take him a little more seriously, he would try it without the insults. They simply make one question and think about his credibility.

You are correct, Honda found that they did not need the double wishbone suspension to have something that would sell. The majority of the car buyers wanted a roomier car. They have given the people that. Honda is doing what it takes to remain in business. Car enthusiasts will not keep Honda in business, the 30 year old women who are buying the car for the family will.

Also, five to 10 years ago, you could not buy performance parts for any Honda. However, give it some time, and you will see turbos and the such for the car. It will come.