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Old 09-15-2002, 09:01 PM   #33
Repost Wagon
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Originally posted by V8killimports
Driving without lights at night... so brilliant.. but at least there was great "effect". You are 21? Well you act about 14. Like I said before you need to be off the road. If you wer a mustang driver I would say the same thing. A month ago there was an asshole camaro driver who thought he was hot shit.. cut me off sped down the freeway at over 100.. then I saw him pulled over about 5 minutes later. I honked and waved as I drove by.. he deserved it. As for street racing? No, don't do it. How would you feel if you were one of those people that killed someone doing it? AS for speeding, yes I speed a bit. But I limit myself to about 5 over in town, and 10 over on the freeway, or the flow of traffic. Nobody obeys all the laws. That is not what we are talking about here. What we are talking about here is how you apparently can't drive, and need to go back to taking the bus. People under 25 can thank people like you for their high insurance rates. Learn to drive...

are you done yet ? i'm sick of hearing the same things from you over and over again

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