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Old 09-15-2002, 03:08 PM   #11
Accord Man
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Originally posted by V8killimports

Well when driving like an idiot and putting triple decker 4 foot tall wings on a car becomes constructive let me know. As for this's just another fine example as to why people have this kind of image towards imports drivers. I have seen this kind of dangerous driving many times before.. sometimes from a muscle car domestic, but mostly from little import kids.. Just don't ask why people dislike you guys.. just come back here and read about this little kid's adventure above. Please re-title this thread as "Another fine example of an import driver"... And someone get this sack full of elephant cum off the road..

listen, I 'm totally against all that stuff. IMO,this guys was wrong in what he did. And you say that most of the idiots you see doing crazy moves are import drivers. Fine, if thats how you see it. its not like you're biased or anything..
But from what I see, V8 drivers are the ones who are usually more excited on the streets. Who can blame them, when you have that much power to play with.. I know I would, within reason. With that much power at your dispostion, the damage that can be done is much greater.

One more thing, nobody dislikes us.. People dislike individuals who disturb them (loud stereos, exhausts, spaceship lighting)..
I see there is a lot of prejudice seeded in you.. Dont generalise too much.
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