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Old 08-28-2002, 09:47 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
That's a really good question. I think what makes a slut is a girl that just does not have respect for herself. My first time was when I was 17. Say I slept with 4 guys over the course of a year since that time. Lets say they were guys that I dated briefly for say a month or two. I'll be 21 in about a month and a half so we'll just round up and say I'm 21. 4 x4 would come out to 16. 16 guys, yeah that's a lot right? But I know that I'm not a slut. These are guys that I dated. Stuff a.k.a sex is going to start to happen after several weeks. It just happens as you get more comfortable and in tune with a person. This really isn't my case because all the guys that I start to see turn out to be tools. But it's just an example of why you shouldn't make a judgement on someone because of a number. Girls that do things sexually with a guy because he has a nice car or will buy her stuff if she puts out is obviously a slut. Girls that do it for attention are sluts. If I go to a party on Sat and hookup that's not big deal. But if I went to one Fri and had done the same thing, that would be slutty. I guess a lot of it is just how a girl presents herself and how much self respect she has.
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