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Old 08-15-2002, 07:52 PM   #3
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A swap comes with everything you should need, you might have to mess with the shifter console, and you'd probably want a tach, since I don't think automatics have one.

If you know what your doing you could do the swap in a day, if you just kinda know then maybe 2-3 days.

As far as using your current I/H/E: exhaust yes, headers no, maybe the intake if all else fails with that you could just cut it and make it shorter.

The swap will (if done by a shop) will probably cost $3000-$3500 including everything, with about $2500 being for parts.

For FI it depends on how much boost, for like 6psi just bolt on the kit and go.The kit should come with all the fuel components needed. If more then you'll need to replace the internals(pistons, rods, maybe sleeves) for stronger one's, and a better ECU like Hondata.
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