Thread: My Little Rant
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Old 07-15-2002, 10:37 PM   #1
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My Little Rant

Well we all know the facts are the facts- most teenagers are somewhere between disliking and hating their parents. I am not an exception. Recently, as many of you know, I was preparing to sell my beloved Highlander for a sportier car, perhaps an Eclipse or new RSX Type-S. Well, my grandparents bought the Highlander for me, so I felt I needed their permission to trade it in. My parents reinforced this idea, saying it was OK with them as long as it was OK with my grandparents. That hurdle accomplished (gparents gave go ahead)... I begin to replace my cars parts with stock exhaust, the stock rims/tires, and other little things so I could sell my car for more due to it being stock. Well after spending all the time detailing and changing tires, and after all the money spent at the muffler shop, and all the time invested researching different cars, the night before I go to trade it in I am sat down by my parents. I know this is not a good thing. They proceed to explain why I CANT... you heard me... CANT trade in my car. Apparently Im not "mature" enough for a sports car because I am 17 and have 3 tickets, two of which are complete crap (1week late registration, rolling stop 20ft from my house at midnight)... Also with my SAT and ACT scores being well into the 99 percentile, my parents feel that I should be making all As in school, even though I go to the hardest school in Tennessee. According to them, my maturity is based on my GPA... wtf is this? I couldnt believe this. They said they might let me next year when I turn 18 if my grades are all really good. Screw that, when I turn 18 Im selling it anyways and buying whatever the hell I please. I can afford the insurance, and they wont have to pay college cause Im getting a full scholorship to a State College. Anyways yeah Im really pissed cause I got this news recently and I needed somewhere to vent other than friends here, cause I think they are getting sick of me being pissed about this. Sorry for the long post, just want all yall to know my parents... err... stepdad is an ass (mom is really cool and was gonna let me trade car)... and that I will have the Highlander around for another 10 months or so... Thanks for reading, and any suggestions on potential positive arguments for me would be helpful. Thanks

Oh- and a quick question... does everyone else's parents here ALWAYS use the "your grades arent good enough" excuse when they want to find some reason to not allow you to do something... I have a 3.2GPA, and thats pretty damned good... oh well screw them AUGH why did my mom marry an asshole
yeah, its that big
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