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Old 07-09-2002, 07:26 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Racing Rice
Just remember drinking and swimming can lead to drowning..

Its probably better that you missed this one.

He said that his friends threw him in the water. You could drown if your alone but with friends you wont and it will sober you up a lot faster. Why do you think people take cold showers to relive a hang over? Sounds to me like you got the girl. Its a friends friend so whats the problem? Im sure the number is easily
uptanable. <--is that spelled right? Call your friends girl and get it, give her a call and see what she thought of you. Dont say you suck and blah blah blah cuz you acted like a dumbass before you see what she thinks. Getting drunk is fun, its liquid courage. Get drunk and have fun but know your limits. Being so drunk your falling over and need a couple people to guide you is pathetic. Not saying you were doing that but a friend of mine was so trashed last weekend that when we went swimming, he kept jumping in and just sinking to the bottom. His good friend had to hold him above water. It was pathetic to see him like that and I felt sorry for his girlfriend, who is pregnant. I actually went back inside the hotel because I couldnt stand to watch someone, especially a friend like that. (he had 3 other people to watch after him) Drink til your happy drunk. Its the point right after being buzzed and right before being trashed. Sorry, im talking like an alcoholic and I know.

Its not a good party unless theres alcohol or drugs. If anyone says they dont have to be ****ed up at a party to have fun, they are lying. (90% of the time). Its DAMN hard to have fun when everyone is ****ed up around you. Remember,
BEEEEEERRRR is like liquid bread, its good for you. -makers of southpark!!
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