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Old 06-22-2002, 01:55 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
I don't understand this..

My best friend boyfriend is one of those @ssholes that likes to make people aware on how he feels about imports. Every time I we all hang out he always gives me shit for owning and hooking up my car. In his eyes its a crime to own an import, yet his first two cars were imports. He's one of those "I think I'm a bad ass because I drive a Mustang with Flo Masters" type. We were all chilling yesterday at the track watching my best friends boyfriend run his car. After he ran his car a few times down the track, he ended up with a time in the mid 13s. Right before the track closed for the night, these two cars lined up for one of the final races. It was a really hooked up Prelude and an Eclipse. The tree went down and they took off.The Prelude ran a sweet 12.7 and the Eclipse ran a low 13 something. These two imports beat my best friend boyfriends time and about 50% of his fellow "American cars rule" car club buddies, and yet they were still talkin' shit about how import cars suck and they are slow - blah, blah. I just don't understand why it is hard for so many people to give imports some respect at the tracks.
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