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Old 05-08-2002, 11:28 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
? about Altezza lights

Hi again,

Awhile back I changed my stock tailights to some Altezza joints but my signal light is extremely bright now. A friend told me the other night that the turning "white" bulb shines through the light housing super bright, to the point that he had to close his eyes when he was driving behind me. Has this happened to anyone else after changing to the Altezza lights? I'm thinkin' that to rectify this annoyance, I have to change the bulbs to a darker color other than the stock white bulbs. Anyone know what type of bulbs those are? Model #? Any info to match up the bulbs would be nice

I know there are some people that like to shit on Altezza lights but I think they look better than the dull stock tailights. I don't know of any other options than stock or Altezza so I chose the Altezza joints.
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