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Old 04-10-2002, 10:03 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
CAI == more money, simple as that. If it is raining out you won't ruin your engine. The only thing you have to worry about with a cold air is submerging the filter in water, even partially. Think about the vacuum that is created in your manifold (usually 12.5 - 15 inches of vacuum). That is enough to suck up some water fast. Anyway, the "short ram" intake has nothing to do with ram air....they just call it that. Vented hoods and the such ain't gonna do crap unless you have a true ram air induction system and you are going at least 40 mph (even then it is minimal). Point made: get CAI, and if you are worried about the water thing, just get a bypass valve made by AEM that won't allow water to be sucked in.
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