Thread: Help!!!!!!!
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Old 03-03-2002, 09:53 PM   #17
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Dude, Do you have Paypal... Damn I'll give you $20 if this gurl dates you!

Movies make a lousy first date... you cant talk ... you need to talk for the first Date ! IT's mandatory...

Here's you first line !
Stop the gurl , get her to acknowledge you. and say "How ya doing?" or "How are you doing?" .. or however you feel comfortable sayin it, say it really pleasant.. shut the door and practice... and practice your smile too.

she will either be interested or not.. if not ... NO LOSS ... you dont look stupid.. your still cool.... If so you NEED to pretend to have conversation skills. Tell her your name, ask her name, and JUST ask questions and Listen... do as little talking as possible! ask open ended questions ... never a yes or no question. Ask her about College, Her current classes, her Freinds .. any thing you can think of.... Walk in the hall with her !!! pretend your goin that way ... be late to class !! At the end Ask her if she likes Golf! If she does great , ask her to go to the driving range w/ you. If she doesn't like golf, Great, tell her she has to teach you and to go to the driving range w/ you.

The diriving range is a great first date, you both look stupid and you get to talk ... TALKING is mandatory... before the date... Pick up a readers digest... read the funny little articles in them ... use these as conversation back up... conversation lacks.. you pretend that is YOUR funny little story.. that happened to Your uncle or something... you make her giggle and then you hit her w/ another Question. Just hit her w/ a million questions, write down all the question you can think of she will talk your ear off and love you for listening... she ask you the same questions , so be prepared to answer them not to fast and not too long winded.

Well i hope all this helps... if you really need $20 I can paypal it to you, but i dont know how soon it will hit your Bank Account

Email me

Happy Honda'ing
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