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Old 03-02-2002, 05:42 PM   #16
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True satanists, despite what the name suggests, don't worship the christian devil. They call this being Satan, but this diety, also known as Baphomet is a god of pleasure.
Wiccan's worship nature and nature gods, and if you actually look at many pagan books, the first thing they usually say is that they don't worship the devil. And many Pagan/Wiccan rituals and beliefs are used by christians in their ceremonies. i.e. Father, Son, Holy Ghost.....Maid, Mother, Crone......Christmas is held on a very holy pagan day; Yule....Halloween, I'm sure you've heard all the stuff behind that. When one religion seeks to overcome another, it helps to use rituals and holidays that the people are already comfortable with, so as to ease the transition to the new religion.
My thing with many religions is that they hate those that aren't in their religion.......I have known some satanists who are more morally upright and better people than most christians I have met. It all comes down to the individual.........the various religions of the world are all the same though, just with different names for the same god.
Christians call their God
Satanists call theirs Satan
Wiccan/Pagans call theirs the God and/or Goddess
Muslims call theirs Allah, which means god(!)

Most christians I have met want to go out and have fun (do things they supposedly shouldn't, as christians be doing) Satanists go out and have fun and don't feel bad because their religion says that as long as you don't harm anyone, do what makes you happy....Wiccan/Pagans are a blending of both christians and others, but they believe that whatever you do comes back to you, so don't do anything you wouldn't want to have happen to you..................I can go on but this is getting long and probably boring.......and I'm sure you get the picture.
I'm not attacking anyone's views, just wanted to clear up some misinformation
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