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Old 03-01-2002, 01:49 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
I have nothing what so ever against the christian faith, but it's the members of any faith, be it christian, satanism, wicca, muslim, etc. that ruin it for me.
It's the moronic followers who think they know their God's mind and decide to judge other people and tell them what to believe. You are both christian, what's the problem if you choose to worship the same god in a different manner?
In my opinion, all religions of the world are the same, and they worship the same god, it's just that they all have different names for this god, and different means of worshipping.
Most religions teach the same basic principles and morals. I have studied religion quite a bit, and it doesn't matter whether you are a satanist, chrisitan, Wiccan, Muslim, Hindu, Jew or whatever else. They all have the same goals and aims, just different ways of worshipping. Satanists and Wiccan's perform "Magick", christians pray, it's all the same. Just talk to her and let her know, and if she's THAT closed minded, then you don't want to be with someone so ignorant. Relationships are all about compromise and if you can only be with her on her terms, then she's not worth it bro.
You'll find someone who's right for you
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