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Old 03-01-2002, 01:25 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Being that I usually average 2 years between gf's, I am used to waiting. Just don't pay attention to the time it takes or to trying to get someone. The downtime won't seem as long if you keep busy and you could end up meeting someone through those extra activities!
For about 4 months after my ex and I broke up, I was out looking for chicks, I had several dates but they were all lame. I even took one date to that Honda meetup/show at Cerritos Acura! Hey, it was at her request. Then I just kinda sat back and chilled. All along I was telling my friends no matter what happened I was gonna hook up with someone, anyone on New Years Eve so I wouldn't feel like a dork at the stroke of midnight. Well, day before New Year's Eve, I just kinda had a moment of clarity and realized it doesn't matter, so when my friend asked me my plan of attack for the evening, I just said (more typically of me) it doesn't matter if I meet anyone, I don't care if I do, I just wanna have a good time and enjoy hanging out with my friends. Well, it turns out I was gettin' my game on with this one hottie, and my friend got pissed cause I was talking to her so he decided to ruin things but then I happened to talk to some chick sitting by herself and I've been seeing her since that night.
I doubt I'll ever be bf/gf with her, but at least I found someone to hang with, and I wasn't even planning/expecting to!
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