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Old 02-28-2002, 03:49 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
I remember when I had my ol' 1991 Grand Am Quad 4. It was pretty quick, I had a K&N intake and exhaust. That was a pretty fun car to drive. Anyway, I remember coming up on a Black Mustang, (93-98 body style) and since I didn't see any tailpipes at all, I figured it was the V6 because those had a single tailpipe that can be hard to see on a black Mustang.
Anyway, I came up on him at about a 15mph roll, and we both nailed it. I glanced over to get a glimpse, and I had just enough time to see the badge on the front fender beind the wheel. It was a Cobra. Dayam!! That thing blew past me like he was swatting a pesky mosquito.

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