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Old 02-11-2002, 11:08 PM   #46
General Chang
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I just learned how to drive a stick shift this year(i'm 23)....and while i still got my first experiences fresh in my mind, let me share with you the method that got me shifting like the folks in Fast and Furious movie........first, find some old country roads....preferably on a sunday afternoon.......go out there with a friend following, TURN OFF the radio......listening to yer engine is the quickest way to know what is best for it and the smoothest/fastest acceleration.....screw the numbers and rpms(i tried every way to gauge that and it DON't werk!!!, with your buddy behind you to simulate that "driving in traffic" feeling, practice takeoffs and'll get the hang of it faster and lose that "oh shit, i look like such a moron" on the road when u get the super huge shift lunges that look like your really a greenhorn!! have fun.....its not hard and....downshifting(altho fun) wears out yer clutch
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