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Old 10-20-2008, 11:07 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by GT40FIED
Nice...what is that, a Barett?

Yeah, Kansas is like that, too. Well...I should say the company I worked for is like that. It's an at will employer. I did contact the company that handles all of our HR stuff and they're opening a case for an internal dispute resolution (fancy talk for "gimme my fucking job back"). So we'll see what happens there. I'm also in a unique position, being what some people would consider physically handicapped (but fuck those people) to have some serious discrimination beefs. And not just shit I made up...people at that company ignored some really simple requests I made and at one point insinuated I should could quite my job and find another (ok...I pissed off a superior, but it's still uncalled for).
Good luck. Hopefully it works out. Would you still be ok to go back even though they fired you? Seems like that would be awkward.

I'd just sue 'em discrimination and not worry about working.
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