Thread: Fuck the NFL
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Old 02-12-2007, 11:40 AM   #27
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Who's stealing it? Me? You? Sure, maybe the asshole who decides he wants to charge people to see it when he's not offering anything in return...but I think I covered that already. It's hard to offer up the idea of "stealing" when they broadcast on networks anyone can access. It's a lot like recording a TV show you like, burning it to DVD, and then watching it later but being sued for infringement. They aired the thing without asking for money so why bust your balls for making a personal copy with no intent of resale? And again, why are sprots bars immune from this rule? They make money by the truckload on game days and especially super bowls, so unless they pay some soprt of royalties (which they might...I don't know or care), shouldn't they be fined big time for profiting off of games?
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