Thread: Fuck the NFL
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Old 02-09-2007, 06:01 PM   #21
Join Date: Sep 2001
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But see...I think that a SANE copyright law would make special provisions for people who are obviously looking to make money off of the game and leave the average folks who just want to get together (with no money involved) out of it. I mean really...who's it hurting if people get together for a party and no money changes hands? Sure, it's probably hard to figure out who is doing it and who isn't, but I would think that amount of people charging money for a house party is pretty small. If someone is renting out large venues and charging, that's easy enough to figure out. Then again, that's no different than a sports bar. I don't know if sports bars pay out some sort of royalties to respective leagues to show their games, but if they don't then why not shut them all down under copyright violation procedures? I think the NFL and MLB's idea of copyrights is just absolutely insane. Ever listen to their little legal notes during the game? It includes "any descriptions or accounts of the game". What the fuck? That means I can't even tell you about a play afterwards without violating copyright laws. That's absolutely absurd. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to copyright what is (sort of) their property, but the way they've set it up is tantamount to waving a middle finger at a whole lot of people and serves little or no purpose other than to keep way too much money in a few people's pockets.
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