Thread: Honda FCX
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Old 12-08-2006, 05:27 AM   #17
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
Originally Posted by CD5Passion
true true, it probably just takes the kind of person. I'm really into small cars, and I'm a huge fan of SMart cars. btw i just took a look at the Tesla, and that thing is sexy.

how volitile would the hydrogen be though? you would think they wouldn't put a platform on a bomb....of course gasoline isn't exactly risk-free

The smart car company has an interesting concept, the problem is they make no money. Actually they are running at a lose and seeking to be bought out. Merc is looking to unload them.

How dangerous is hydrogen? If you were rear ended with a full take it would explode like a bomb. A full tank in a car would more then level a home. Steve is right, hydrogen bomb.
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