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Old 10-25-2006, 06:02 PM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Originally Posted by Robert
Yes the situation is more dynamic then JUST THE MEDIA however it is the largest single source of influence today for young people. It outweights parenting and school in time spent with it and the interest level. It is a mutlifasited approach through tv, internet and music.

One must realize the impact the media has on todays childern, it is like a plauge. It has quietly crept into every household, first by being out friend but now no longer represents individuals values. The media has taken a different direction then 50 years ago. Do the research.

The problem I see with a media based argument for societal problems is pretty simple. It's rather hard to take something everyone sees (like the media) and apply it to a small cross section of society. I mean...every kid, not just underpriviledged blacks, sees rap videos, the way blacks are portrayed on TV (especially on the news), and the message that is generated about minorities as a whole. But most don't choose to follow in that image. That's like saying that every girl who sees a Britney Spears video (the ones before she got all fat, anyway) will go straight to the mall and buy skanky clothes. Sure, some of them will because they're impressionable and lack a sense of personal identity but by and large it's not true. The people who are effected by media are probably going to end up heading in the wrong direction anyway because they'll always need someone to tell them what to do and, in most cases, anyone who wants to tell you what to do and how to think isn't doing it in your best interest. That's why I think the black community, particularly younger articulate blacks, need to step up and make their voices heard. Let's face facts...some people are already too far gone to be swayed now by a different lifestyle. But if you can get to younger kids and have intelligent people watch out for them I think you've got a chance.
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