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Old 10-25-2006, 07:03 AM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
Originally Posted by GT40FIED
I'm just not sure you can blame media for much of anything. I mean's certainly out there, but personal choice has nothing to do with images portrayed in the media. I mean...I constantly see ads for soda and candy and whatnot, but I don't go out and buy them because I see other people enjoying them. Likewise, when I see some asshole white collar white guy on trial for embezelment it doesn't make me want to go out and do the same. That's what rappers essentially do...they portray a life of crime and excess (generally). The only way that such media can influence you is if you let it.

I think the broader problem is that while some blacks may buy into the "thug" lifestyle, many others endorse it by keeping their mouth shut. I mean...if you're constantly told that the only way you can ever get ahead in life is as a musician or an athlete and there's no one around to tell you that you're smart and worth more than that, then you might just believe it. That's not to say you can take personal responsibility out of the equation...everyone chooses their own path and there's no reason as to why. I mean you could blame it on single parent households...births to single black mothers is roughly 70% of all black births. Then again there will always be people to show you that you can succeed in that situation. Sure, it's easier to take the wrong route in life...but again, that's a personal choice. If you just want to give up and blame everyone else for how shitty your life is, I suppose you can. You can also stand up and take responsibility for your life and the direction it takes.

Yes the situation is more dynamic then JUST THE MEDIA however it is the largest single source of influence today for young people. It outweights parenting and school in time spent with it and the interest level. It is a mutlifasited approach through tv, internet and music.

One must realize the impact the media has on todays childern, it is like a plauge. It has quietly crept into every household, first by being out friend but now no longer represents individuals values. The media has taken a different direction then 50 years ago. Do the research.

Last edited by Robert : 10-25-2006 at 07:07 AM.
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