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Old 10-24-2006, 05:36 AM   #7
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Age: 35
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Originally Posted by VR4_Craver
This is the same problem I had with My high school. Everyone (media and officials) say that the minorities (blacks and mexicans) are "fighting" to make a living here and are dropping out of school. Truth be told, whites are the minorities. And they werent dropping out they were just not going. Regardless of what classes they had they fucked off in them and eventually failed it twice and gave up. The biggest problem with Northern Indiana is that with whites being the minority every time we have a problem and say that "some black or some mexican" did something to us we get labeled as a racist and harrassed more. Another thing that happens here is that the majority of the people here live on welfare. Black families have around 4 kids per family here and the mother dont work so they get on welfare. The mexicans, get 3-6 families living in one house, all on welfare, and all working, and drive around in new SUVs and other semi- expensive cars (ie. New Nisans or toyotas). Of course, doing this makes it so schools hand out more reduced/free lunches at school. Thereby, raising the book fees for everyone except those unable to pay (blacks and mexicans) All the time complaining how the "white man" doesnt help them and that they are discrimanated against. The truth is that these people live in the mindset that they cant make it and then they just dont try to make it.

I agree with you. They don't think they can make it so they don't bother trying instead they try to live the only way they have learned to live. Another problem I believe is that the black kids show no respect towards anyone at my school. They look to get into fights. They don't know what it's liek to have nice things down here so they don't know how to treat other's nice things. I believe my brother had the same problem with the rednecks at his school. Hell my school only has one camera pointed towards the parking lot and no one is ever watching it. I highly doubt they even bother to record it. One of my friend's cars got completely sideswiped during school and he came out to it and it was basically half a car. He had to get it all repaired without his insurance. They never found out who did it.

I don't know why they don't respect us... we give them a lot of stuff. They wouldn't even get second rate computers if we weren't there. And we're going to be the kids that invent small things for them to use and stuff and they don't really care. I hold respect very highly as a source for most conflicts. When I lose my respect for someone, I don't talk or think about them. That's why I only talk to a few of the black kids. Because they are really freakin' nice. Usually the basketball players too. heh.
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