Thread: *scream
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Old 10-04-2006, 06:43 AM   #22
Thought Police
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steve your so far off its not even funny... first of all dominance isnt established by aggression, its established by how you handle yourself over another person and coming out in control of the situation. fighting and going to their level puts them in control of the situation. that would be like saying the child is dominant over the parent if it hits them and the parent dosnt hit back. look you can argue all you want about how you think some girl might need a punch in the face or a slam in the head, but the truth is they dont, and if you think they do and even once you act on it, your going to be in jail faster than you can say she did it first. fair? yes i think so guys should not ever hit a woman. they are not 100% equal physically. submissive would be letting her hit you and not setting the situation strait.

and to defend what i said earlier, i didnt say a larger woman was ok to hit i was trying to say if your being attacked by a trained fighting woman then you would have reason to fear for your safty and DEFEND yourself. look even in male v male cases you can defend yourself, but not "get even" because they started it. my brother is a few years younger than me and at the end of highschool for me was probobly a little stronger, but i was older and more domanant still. when he would get mad and try to fight me i knew if i fought back i would always end up in more trouble cause im older, so i would not roll over and take it, i would use my brain and get myself out of the situation without having to hit back by maintaining my domanance and shutting him down.

if you are in the situation and think its ok to hit back then your gonna think thats the best and only way out. if you know and understand you are in control because the person is angery enough to want to attack you, you should be able to use your head to get out of it...

you could really live with yourself after really and truely hitting a woman? i would be so disapointed in my whole life....
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