Thread: *scream
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Old 10-02-2006, 11:57 AM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
Steve, my wife is 110lbs and I'm 180. IF I throw a punch when all is fair I'm going to hurt her alot more then she is going to hurt me.

At no point in civil contents do I agree with hitting a woman. It never solves anything. Further more I think its silly to risk your reputation. If someone acused you of killing someone and you were arrested would you feel the need to make your trip to jail worth while? I suspect not.

Simply because this woman used a cheap means of removing him from the house by calling in the police does not mean you haev the right to hit her.

After writting this, I think back in March when you realized the child wasn't yours akimbo you should have walked. Considering everything I think you walked yourself right into this situation. There is in all likelihood 50:50 responsibility for what has recently transpired. You stayed with a woman who cheated on you and felt the need to be invovled with her. Whatever that says about your state I will leave that up to you to figure out; I dont know you. I do know however that women like that will use you, abuse you and find another man at their convience. Learn the lesson, this time you got off light. Consider for a moment if that was your child and she wanted to be with someone else. Stuck paying child support, not being invovled with her or the childs up bringing and at 21 how that would impact the rest of your life.
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