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Old 09-23-2006, 10:10 AM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Well..until I see some evidence, I've gotta disagree Chris. First of all, I haven't seen a single shred of evidence that Pakistan is harboring Osama aside from monday morning quaterbacking by media pundits who need to learn to shut the fuck up. He's had 5 years to get a head start. Fuck, he could be in Luxembourg for all we know. And, as I mentioned before, seeing as how this administration has a proclivity for fabricating intelligence, any given country would have every right to be suspicious. And I really don't think we're talking about just searching caves here. In Iraq we were promised precision attacks and ended up with thousands of civilian casualties. Damn those Pakistanies for wanting to protect the innocent from U.S. bombs! But remember...bigger bombs just spread more freedom.

You've also got a very American view of the whole situation. Who gets to decide who the most wanted man in the world is? Is it us because we're pissed? I seriously doubt he's the most wanted man in the middle east. Or Russia. Or Asia. Or many other places for that matter. And just because someone pissed us off doesn't give us the right to infiltrate a nation against their wishes. If the situation were reversed and someone had attacked Pakistan and fled to the U.S. do you think for a second we'd allow the Pakistani army onto our soil? Of course we wouldn;t...but we're willing to demonize any nation that tries to stop us from going to their country. Americans seem incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes and that's why everyone fucking hates us. It's not because we have freedom. Hell, if you hate freedom, bomb Amsterdam. They've got more than us. They hate us because we're arrogant pricks who think we have the moral right to do whatever we want and fuck you if you disagree.
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