Thread: v for vendetta
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:15 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by GT40FIED
Oh I'm not saying that it's not ok to pay attention to that guy with the beard from Saudi Arabia at the airport. Quite the contrary...and I think people of Arabic decent should be understanding of that. And really, is it unreasonable to ask people to be more tolerant of muslims than we have been? Much like priests molesting children, an religiously zealous muslim is more the exception, not the norm. Did putting thousands of innocent Japanese people in camps win the war for us or even make us the slightest bit safer? Probably not. Neither did rampant, accepted paranoia. That's why Japanese internment camps were one of the most embarassing episodes in American history next to slavery.

Let's flip this for a second. I'm thinking about this because I just watched Soldiers In The Army Of God on HBO iControl (shortly before becoming vioently ill that I share a planet with these assholes). Since 1990 there have been 2 acts of muslim terrorism on U.S. soil. Since Roe Vs. Wade in the early '70s there have been more than 2400 instances of violence (including 7 deaths among doctors) reported against abortion clinics. By the logic you've used above, it would be perfectly understandable to arrest everyone who pickets outside of an abortion provider with the assumption that they're a ticking time bomb being perfectly reasonable. We won't do that, of course, because they're white christians and white christians can't do anything wrong...ever (even when they admit outright, as they do in this documentary, that they're a terroristic organization). While I'd say it's more than fair to look harder at a group of people if they match a profile for people that create a certain kind of violence, rounding up EVERYONE from that demographic and locking them up is not only impractical, it's just wrong. Besides, didn't you hear? Everyone in the arabic world loves us besides terrorists. No...seriously...every single one of them. They all love us and every single thing we've done "for them".

it really does bug me that almost everyone fails to see the terrorists that are on our soil that are part of our country. there are tons of extremists of our own nationality and color, but it doesnt matter because they are just that.
i think you hit the nail on the head with this one steve
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