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Old 08-08-2006, 11:01 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by AzCivic
steve, why do you keep showing the weakest evidence there could possibly be for an argument? really, you are trying so hard, but failing so bad.

steves new conspiracy: thermite devices AND explosives just for good measure (inaudible on camera yet eye witnesses explain loud shit crashing as explosions so there must be bombs!)

i'm so sorry, it just seems like I keep finding more and more shit to post proving you have no clue what you're talking about. I suppose I'll just edit the post to help you out from now on.

it did survive the hit.

what was the bridge (or bridges) designed to survive the wind, but swayed and fell anyway?? do you get it? you can design something to do what you think it will, and then in reality it doesn't quite go as planned.

that isn't steves new conspiracy theory that is a theory that has been circulating our country and probably every other country..there were a lot of factors that don't ake sense and don't add up. if you can ever find it watch a film called "loose change" it's a great watch and explains many key discreptencies dealing with 9/11.

and intersting factoid.
in the Bin laden confession tape look at the details
bin laden is seen writing a note using his right hand and is wearing a gold ring

Osama Bin Laden was left handed and in islamic law it is illegal for one to wear such jewelry. dont beleive me? go watch the bin laden confession the Osama Bin Laden in that confession tape looks absolutly nothing like Bin Laden

ABCD - All osama Bin Laden
E -....not Osama Bin Laden..looks nothing like osama Bin laden

Notice the real Bin ladens face is long and has very prominent cheek bones...where are those features on the Confession Bin Laden?...not there..and not Bin if it wasn't Bin Laden...then who confessed?....could it be?!...GASP...someone paid off to do it?

you can only refuse to beleive so much, there is a point where you can become ignorant and naive

Last edited by CD5Passion : 08-08-2006 at 11:11 PM.
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