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Old 08-08-2006, 01:04 AM   #61
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Age: 42
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Well you and I had better hope there wasn't a bunch of rust just sitting around in those buildings. I'm sure you know what happens when a load bearing structure starts to rust. Then again...that's why UL grade steel is resistant to such things.

As for the second post, I'll refer you back to your question about planting WMDs just to make things look better. Why did we make it worse? Did we need to? It was the only thing on TV for 3 solid days...literally. It galvanized people together into fighting a war that didn't need to be fought in a way the world had never seen before and will hopefully never see again. It had nothing to do with going into Afghanistan because, if you'll remember back to the start of all of this (which may take a few days and possibly require some napping), Afghanistan was just a precursor to Iraq. That's when we found "links" between Al Qaeda and Iraq that, for lack of a better term, didn't exist. To borrow a line from a movie, the buildings are symbols, as is the act of destroying them. You don't need to make it all fancy with the bells and whistles and whatnot. Plus, if you take into account the sheep factor that is so rampant in this country, it's a no brainer.
1984 1/2 Mustang GT350 #842, Faster than you...nuff said

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Someday, in the event that mankind actually figures out what it is that this world actually revoles around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed that it was not them. Sometimes this includes me.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell

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